Architecture, Art & Philosophy


Call for Papers: Sophia Journal

Sophia Journal is currently accepting submissions for the upcoming Volume 7 “Landscapes of Care: the emergency of landscapes of care in unstable territories,” addressing contemporary photography and visual practices that focus on how architecture understood in a wide sense can help to heal a broken planet.

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Susana Ventura
Book launch: Eu nem sabia que Marvila existia

Next Thursday at the Book Fair (Espaço BLX), at 6.30 p.m., it will be launched the book Eu nem sabia que Marvila existia (I even didn’t know that Marvila existed). The book (available only in Portuguese), edited by Maria do Mar, Inês Sapeta Dias and Fátima Ribeiro, presents an ongoing fictional conversation.

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Susana Ventura
Aforismos Espaciais (Spatial Aphorisms) #4

Aforismos Espaciais (Spatial Aphorisms) is a radio show that crosses architecture and literature/poetry. The fourth episode counterpoints the poem Six Significant Landscapes, by Wallace Stevens, to six works of Portuguese architects, exploring the relations between man and nature (a theme so dear to Wallace Stevens).

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Susana Ventura
New article: "The becoming-image: about the films of Mariana Caló and Francisco Queimadela", in Contemporânea #4

Contemporânea #4: Moving Image will be launched January 12, 2020, from 4 pm. at SOLAR Galeria Cinemática, Vila do Conde, with a guided visit to Jonathan Uliel Saldanha’s exhibition Locus Amoenus, Locus Horribilis, and a panel discussion with Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, Mário Micaelo, and Sara Castelo Branco.

The fourth print-edition of Contemporânea Magazine explores and considers the expanding field of moving images within recent artistic praxis, to which I had the pleasure to write an essay about Mariana Caló and Francisco Queimadela’s body of work: “The becoming-image: about the films of Mariana Caló and Francisco Queimadela”.

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Susana Ventura
New Book: Expedition to an Intensive Architecture

The North Section of the Portuguese Architects Association has begun the publication of a series of small books with the reports from the journeys of the winning proposals of Fernando Távora’s Award. The one dedicated to my journey corresponds, in part, to the conference presented in Matosinhos, on 6th October 2014 (maintaining its orality), where I’ve presented some of the ideas resulting from the journey (and which have been contributing to my research project) instead of a report of it.

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Susana Ventura
Happening now: Isaque Pinheiro's Artistic Residence in Évora

Isaque Pinheiro is a Portuguese artist currently on an Artistic Residence in Évora, provided by Association Pó de Vir a Ser, developing a work titled Pano (Cloth) consisting of three phases: a collection of stone reliefs transformed into engraving matrices to print multiple engravings that will be - both the stone matrices and the engravings - on display in several places along the city’s walls until the end of August.

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Susana Ventura
Upcoming Talk: What is the Archive? [Terrain]

On Thursday, May 16th, at 3 p.m., at the Marvila Library, I’ll be talking at the Laboratory “O que é o Arquivo?” (What is the Archive?) together with Catarina Alves Costa, Carla Filipe and José Bragança de Miranda. The starting point is the Marvila area in Lisboa as a territory in transformation where several layers of history and indeterminacy co-exist between rural traces and the current gentrification among other questions that problematise the notion of archive when it comes to the city’s development.

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Susana Ventura
Book launch: Viagem ao Invisível (Journey to the Invisible)

Viagem ao Invisível: Espaço, Experiência, Representação (Journey to the Invisible: Space, Experience, Representation), only available in Portuguese, is a book organised by Luís Santiago Baptista and Maria Rita Pais after a journey they curated to several works of architecture and an exhibition held at Teatro Thalia. The book documents exhaustively all the visited works with several unpublished archive material (drawings, documents, and photographs), but it also includes artistic projects by artists Nuno Cera, Tatiana Macedo, Ricardo Castro, and Spela Hudnik, and critical essays by Inês Moreira, Eliana Sousa Santos, Susana Oliveira and myself.

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Susana Ventura
Exhibition: The Sommer Pavilion in the Garden

The exhibition “The Sommer Pavilion in the Garden”, which I had the pleasure of curating (a truly public exhibition for the community in one of the most liveable public spaces of the city of Cascais), will open on Friday April 5th, at 6 p.m., at the Parada Garden (near Casa das Histórias), and it will be on display until May 5th. All are welcome!

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Susana Ventura
Fast Forward - Maia Architecture Month (MAM)

For the second edition of Maia Architecture Month, under the theme Fast Forward curated by Andreia Garcia, several architecture studios and critics were invited to think, question and imagine the city of Maia (located in the Porto Metropolitan Area) in 100 years.

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Susana Ventura
Book launch: Uma Breve História da Curadoria (A Brief History of Curatorship)

Uma Breve História da Curadoria (A Brief History of Curatorship), only available in Portuguese, is a book edited by the artists Sara & André after the cycle of three exhibitions they curated under the title Curated Curators. The book documents the three exhibitions (objects, works and stories), the artists and the curators that had participated and a few more in order to map - as exhaustively as possible - the curatorial activity in the field of visual arts in Portugal.

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Susana Ventura
Upcoming talk: Closing debate at the exhibition Building Stories

Next Saturday October 6th, I’ll be talking at the closing debate of the exhibition Building Stories, at Garagem Sul - Centro Cultural de Belém, together with SKREI, and moderated by André Tavares. The exhibition is curated by Amélia Brandão Costa and Rodrigo da Costa Lima and it features works by the studios De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, MAIO and Ricardo Bak Gordon.

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Susana Ventura