Publication(s): Two books on Philosophy's Encounter with the Arts
Image credits: Looking South at 27th Street, September 2000, Joel Sternfeld. Courtesy of the artist.
Two new publications (available for download in Portuguese only) have been released. Both books are part of a comprehensive research project on the city and its relationship with various art practices, conducted within the framework of Philosophical studies at Ifilnova, the Center for Philosophical Studies at Nova University of Lisbon, to which I have contributed.
The first book, titled Planos de pormenor: leituras críticas sobre a experiência da cidade (edited by Nélio Conceição and Nuno Fonseca), includes my essay on the possibility of the emergence of a poetic landscape in the city-territory or post-metropolitan space. The essay explores the influential High Line project in New York and the captivating photographs captured by Joel Sternfeld. It also delves into psychogeographic drift strategies, which facilitate the emergence of deterritorializing lines of flight and creative forces. You can download the publication here.
Additionally, I served as one of the editors for the second book, A cidade nas práticas artísticas. This book focuses on five artistic practices: cinema, photography, sound arts, literature, and architecture. I was responsible for the chapter dedicated to architecture, which resulted from a seminar involving architects, artists, and philosophers. The presentations offered critical responses to the amorphous challenges impacting architecture and the city, employing various tools such as photographic essays, performative actions, geopoetic walks, intensive mappings, exhibitions, and publications, among others. These practices reveal themselves as essential components of an aesthetic experience as they bridge the gap between the architectural object (traditional buildings or constructed environments) and the lived experience of the inhabitants, fostering meaningful dialogues that generate knowledge transcending the autonomy of both the object and the subject within the urban context. You can download the publication here.