Architecture, Art & Philosophy


Fernando Távora Award, 9th edition

Petite Maison, 1924, Le Corbusier. Image: Susana Ventura, 2014

On the 6th of October, Le Corbusier’s birthday, I gave a lecture at Matosinhos City Hall. The lecture was titled “Intimacy, Silence, Contemplation” and it’s the result of a journey I did during the months of June and July to Japan, Centre and North of Europe, visiting the works of Kazuo Shinohara, James Turrell, Peter Zumthor, Adolf Loos, Sigurd Lewerentz among others. 

This journey corresponds to the beginning of a Post-Doctoral project (following a PhD project in Philosophy - Aesthetics, FCSH-UNL, May 2013), titled Towards an intensive architecture, at FAUP, under scientific supervisory of Professor Doutor José Miguel Rodrigues (FAUP) and Professora Doutora Ana Godinho Gil (FCSH-UNL) and was selected as the winner of the 9th edition of the Prémio Fernando Távora by the jury (composed of Paula Santos, Pedro Bandeira, Maria José Ferrão, José António Bandeirinha and José Pedro Croft).

Visit the expedition's website at (in portuguese only, for the moment).

Press: Público / FAUP / Scopio / Casa da Arquitectura / Arquitecturas / ArchDaily Brasil / Construir / Archready

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    Susana Ventura