Architecture, Art & Philosophy


Upcoming Lecture: "Intensive Architecture: an inexistent aesthetic category in the Theory of Architecture"

On the 21st of November morning (panel 19), I'll be presenting my paper "Intensive Architecture: an inexistent aesthetic category in the Theory of Architecture - through the study of silence as a spatial sensation", at the This Thing Called Theory Conference (AHRA 2015 - 12th International Architectural Humanities Research Association Conference), at the Leeds Beckett University, School of Art, Architecture and Design.

I'll discuss how "Intensive architecture" is an inexistent category in the theory of architecture, stemming from the aesthetic problem of sensation, which aims to understand how certain sensations, such as intimacy, silence, contemplation, among others, are composed in space and sustained through time (as the eternal quality of the work of art. 

The Cemetery in Malmö, by Lewerentz, and the Steilneset Memorial in Vardø, by Zumthor, are the two examples to be analysed where one may find silence as a spatial sensation that fills the interval of an intensive body-space, independently of time and seasons.

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Susana Ventura